Sunday, July 16, 2017

New Film Review: The House

Image result for the house 2017

Directed by Andrew Jay Cohen
Screenplay by Brendan O'Brien and Andrew Jay Cohen
Starring Will Ferrell; Amy Poehler; and Jason Mantzoukas

Well it is not that good.
The funny thing is the idea...or the a good idea. A mother and father desperate to get money so their daughter can go to the university of her dreams. So the dad (Ferrell) and mom (Poehler) with their best friend Jason (Mantzoukas) decide to start a casino. However the plot which sounds funny has a terrible script that just comes across flat, with few laughs.

I mean, I guess that is all I can say about it. I know my shortest review for this unrealistic, over the top, not very funny film. Oh and surprisingly Ferrell and Poehler have no chemistry. They seem almost like they are stumbling through the film together. Now Mantzoukas seems to get more laughs than the two big stars....again not a good sign. You know there was a problem when the outtakes are not even funny.

Well 1 1/2 stars out of ten for The House. See it when it is available for home viewing if you want to watch it. A disappointment . Oh....... but you get a good cameo by Jeremy Renner!

From the shadows as always thanks for your time

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