Tuesday, July 11, 2017

New Film Review: The Hero

Image result for the hero movie poster 2017

Directed by Brett Haley
Screenplay by Brett Haley
Starring Sam Elliot; Laura Prepon: Nick Offerman; Krysten Ritter; and Katharine Ross

An ailing movie star, Lee (Elliot), tries to make amends with his past and at the same time live for the moment in the face of his bad news.

This is an odd film. I felt that the film was unfocused. Like it had no idea where it wanted to go with the idea, so it kept throwing more things out there just to see if it would stick.
There is a story which is really interesting between Lee and Charlotte (Prepon), who have very good chemistry. However they keep breaking away from it with other stories that were not as interesting. just more disruptive. The story between Lee and Jeremy (Offerman) just seemed flat. The story between Lee and his estranged daughter Lucy (Ritter) is just annoying. I do not know if it is just me but every time I see Ritter I think she is whining, no matter what part she plays.
There is an umbrella of sadness in all of this and as strange as it sounds the Charlotte story line helped push the story along with some hope for lee's life and his career. That story made it worth watching.

Acting! Other than Ritter, everyone here in this film is just fabulous. Including a surprise appearance by Elliot's longtime wife Katharine Ross. Yes that Katharine Ross, The Graduate!! She plays Elliot's ex-wife.

Elliot is one of America's most underrated actors. Mostly known for his voice, he usually takes a sidekick role. Here he is clearly the lead and it is fun to watch him...3 out of 5 starts for The Hero. Worth a look at home for home viewing when it becomes available. If you are in the mood for a quiet movie one evening.

From the shadows as always thanks for your time.

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