Saturday, May 27, 2017

New Film Review: Baywatch

Image result for baywatch


Directed by Seth Gordan
Screenplay by Damian Shannon and Mark Swift
Starring Dwayne Johnson; Zac Efron; Alexandra Daddario; Kelly Rohrbach; Ilfenesh Hadera;Jon Bass; and Priyanka Chopra

Well Baywatch is back. Settle down I know your excited
This is an odd film. There are action movies that have a lot of humor.....
Beverly Hills Cop
Lethal Weapon Films
And so on.

It is a challenge for a add levity but still stay focus on the action and plot at hand

Baywatch fails at this.
It cannot find its tone at all...
-It has ridiculous moments of scenes of Baywatch life guards being heroes and as a viewer I was not sure if I was suppose to be laughing at these moments. Sometimes the life saving moments were least I think
-Then there is humor but not much of it. And half of the so called funny moments just fall flat including one long joke (No pun intended) about a stuck penis. The trailer made us think it was a Zoolander film about Baywatch.  I cant honestly tell you if that is what they were aiming for...but if it failed.
-So then we go to the story line. About Victoria Leeds (Chopra) running drugs through the Bay. This just did not make sense, I mean the crime sounded legit but the way she did this was just oddly more difficult then needed to be. Speaking of ridiculous. it ended with a ridiculous escape plan by helicopter. No spoilers here but........ahhhh your in a bay...take a boat...or a car???!!

Well there are positives:
-Everyone on the Baywatch team had great chemistry together. I found each character likable. To a point ...this film missed but I would like to see them again.
-Daddario who I have seen in many films and I always think that she is cant help but like her in this part. I say that often about her. She seems to come into a film in a small part and always ends up as the one you remember...and cheer on.
-Chopra, even though she is dealing with a ridiculous story line is all in and she is really good as the bad awful criminal.

Well Baywatch 2017  get 2 out of 5 stars. I wish it found its tone and was funnier.

From the shadows as always thanks for your time

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