Monday, May 22, 2017

New Film Review Alien Covenant

Image result for alien covenant


Directed by Ridley Scott
Screenplay by John Logan and Dante Harper
Starring Michael Fassbender; Katherine Wasterston; Billy Crudup and Danny McBride

Well...this is a prequel to Alien and Aliens and a follow up to Prometheus.

This is an odd film.  Let me start with the:

-The obvious is the performance by Fassbender. He is really good playing two different characters.
They are promoting Wasterson as the star and she is really good, but Fassbender is the real star of this film. He is the link between this and Prometheus.
-A surprising wonderful performance by Danny McBride. Not saying he has not had good performances before but here he is showing his dramatic chops.
-Scares.! It delivered scares. That is why you go see it. Not as many as you hoped but there are scares. The little Aliens I found even creepier then the big Alien.

-The script has a big hole in it. Fassbender's actions in the last 15 minutes does not match the predictable last 2 minutes. Which was an important part of the story line!!
-Explain Explain Explain!!!!!!!!! That is what we get the first hour and even during the the Aliens attack. It is not a good sign when you have to stop the movie to explain the whys.
-I understand what Ridley Scott wants to do. He is creating a big story line like Star Wars. However the problem here is it seems like the same film over and over. Bad decisions. Leads to naive behavior. Leads to escape. Leads to Alien on ship. You kind of feel you have seen this film before. I leave the theater thinking.....okay. Not wow.
-I love clean endings. You know that is you follow my goers pay money and they deserve a open....middle...and close. That is why I rarely like Pt1 of 2 films. Or Pt 2 of a trilogy. The endings to me fall flat.
-I do not know if a lot of his part was left on the cutting room floor but if you have the great actor Demian Bicher in your film and he is under used like he was here shame on you.

Well I did jump that is something and you get many good 3 out of 5 stars for Alien Covenant. An interesting story, it just has too many negatives.

From the shadows as always thanks for your time.

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