Wednesday, May 3, 2017

My Wednesday Revisit My Top Film Of 2009

Image result for up

2009 was a really good year for films:
-Avatar was a 3D wonder!!
-The Hangover was hilarious (They should have stopped there)
-Paranormal Activities scared us all
-Taken was just excitment (They should have stopped at the first one)
-Hurt Locker took us into the heart of the war
-Star Trek returned
-Plus there were three really good small films An Education; Zombieland; and 500 Days Of Summer...all three were in my top 10.

However it was a tough call that year but UP from Pixar was my number one film:

Directed and Screenplay by Pete Docter and Bob Peterson
Voice work by Ed Asner; Christopher Plummer; and Jordan Nagai

One of the problems this film has is its first 5 minutes. It's first 5 minutes is soooo good that the rest of the film has to fight to keep the story at that level. At least in Toy Story 3 the best 5 minutes came at the end, so the film does not have to fight that level of perfection (The beginning of Up, the end of Toy Story 3, and the breaking down of Riley in Inside Out the best three scenes in PIXAR films}. Still it is a great story filled with humor, DUG, and sadness. Love it. Squirrel!!!
Also great casting of the great Ed Asner as Carl. It seems like a part that is above him...but he is all in and is just perfect.

Now for fun and not so fun facts:

-At the end of the film Carl and Russell are sitting on the curb counting red and blue cars. Dug calls one as "gray" which is correct since dogs cannot see color.

-When Carl and Ellie go picnicking, their destination is a spot under the same tree from A Bug's Life.

-Carl wears the same grape soda pin that was in the Buzz Lightyear commercial in Toy Story

-Dug's voice was done (wonderfully) by director and writer Bob Peterson

Well my favorite film of 2009 was not just for kids......4 1/2 out of 5 stars.

From the shadows as always thanks for your time.


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