Friday, October 7, 2016

New Film review: The Girl On The Train

Image result for the girl on the train movie


Directed by Tate Taylor
Screenplay by Erin Cressida Wilson
Based on The book by Paula Hawkins
Starring Emily Blunt and Haley Bennett

It is rare that I enter a movie theater to see a film adaption of a novel that I had already read. Yes I read the book and to be honest I really did not like the book. It was an interesting story with interesting twists however it dragged often with the same thing happening over and over again. I came into this film with high hopes however. I felt like the film will throw out the repetitive parts and get to the meat of the story quicker. Which was happily done, but sadly this film adaption was still poorly done.

Yes it was rushed through but it still felt boring and wooden. It was just quiet I guess is the best phrase to explain it. I cant remember a film that had this many voice overs. They were giving us the character's thoughts or their confusion, however it felt like they were just reading the book to us. It happened over and over and over again. It was annoying.  If I was going to adapt this story I would have it start with a police interview and then tell the backstory. Or add a friend from AA where Blunt/Rachel can explain her past and her confusion to someone. This would cut out the annoying voice overs.

Then I had the same problem as I had with the book...the characters. Yes you feel for Blunt's Rachel, however she is a mess and puts herself in odd situations like taking a baby. She is very hard to like. The other main character Bennett's/Megan is definitely unlikable yet a bit sad. So you have the two leads being very difficult to grab onto and want to care about and follow. Maybe they are a reflection of us all, that we all have faults and regrets. Still it does not make it any easier to watch.

Yes there sure is. The acting by both Bennett and Blunt is fantastic. They are so good they draw you in to their lives and you just can't take your eyes off of them.
The plot which is being compared to Gone Girl, which I disagree with. Here, as opposed to Gone Girl it has a twist at the end. In Gone Girl we see what was developing before hand. So the end here is tense and exciting (Yet the conclusion is much to quick)

So the film is a depressing mystery which is serviceable as a film. A little better than average story, 3 stars out of 5 for Girl On The Train. I guess you could do much worse.

From the shadows as always thanks for your time.

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