Saturday, October 1, 2016

New Film Review: Deepwater Horizon

Image result for deepwater horizon


Directed by Peter Berg
Screenplay by Matthew Michael Carnahan and Matthew Sand
Based on articles by David Rhode and Stephanie Saul
Starring Mark Wahlberg; Kurt Russell; Gina Rodriquez; John Malkovich; and Kate Hudson

I went in knowing about Deepwater Horizon. However I did not know about the workers.
So sad it did not get that much coverage.

So it is interesting film and a sad film and a thriller.

It is well acted that is form sure. I mean look at the cast. Everybody is cast perfect..JOHN MALKOVICH WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?????!!!!!

But!! Yes A But!!

Think back if you saw Sully. It was hard to follow what they were talking about when it came to altitudes and speeds and engines and landings. Still most of us have been in a plane. So we kinda get a feel for what the issues are. We are not experts but we can kind of follow.
Now a very small sample of us have been on an oil rig. They do their best to explain it to us but I had no idea. The studio knew it had a problem because they literally spelled it out on the screen why things are needed or why things are done.
Then we get to the awful explosion. Darkness is a problem. A huge problem because we cant see who is who. In fact I thought some people I saw get on the boat only to find out they were on the rig. I could not see. Yes I understand, we are seeing and feeling the total confusion of what those poor workers went through. Still as a film it is difficult. We cannot see, and throw in we do not understand what they are doing. Yes it is exciting but there is a separation there.

I think this film would have been better as a documentary. Where experts can explain the what's and why's, and the workers can tell us their first hand experiences of this mess.
As for this film I would give it 3 out of 5 stars for the fine acting and and excitement in Deepwater Horizon.

From the shadows as always thanks for your time as always.

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