Thursday, December 10, 2015

New Film Review: Ron Howard's In The Heart Of The Sea

Image result for in the heart of the sea

Directed by Ron Howard
Screenplay by Charles Leavitt
Based on the book by Nathaniel Philbrick
Starring Chris Hemsworth; Cillian Murphy; Brendan Gleeson; Benjamin Walker; and Tom Holland

Based on the 1820 event, a whaling ship is preyed upon by a giant whale, stranding its crew at sea for 90 days, thousands of miles from home.

Well I hoped you watched the trailer. The film looks like it is filled with action. Well not really. The film is about two hours long and only about a half an hour has action in it. The rest of the film feels like kind of a shell of a film. Like there is something there but it seems as distant as they are out in the water away from land. There really does not seem like a connection. I think the film lacks character development. So we are on the boat with these men but we are not really vested in their well being.
The good?
The film looks amazing!! Every scene we know is filled with CGI, but Howard does a fantastic job of making every frame look real and beautiful.
Also, Cillian Murphy is fantastic in this film, as he is in most films, as Matthew Joy. He is the one you care about the most. He draws you in, with you as the viewer only knowing a little about his past. He probably draws you in because next to the incomparable Gleeson, Murphy is the best actor on the screen.
It is just a hard film to like. Watching a bunch of men suffer. Well 2 1/2 out of 5 for a great looking film. I would say wait to see it at home and until then read the book.

As always from the shadows thanks for your time.

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