Saturday, September 5, 2020

New Film Review: Words On The Bathroom Walls

Words on Bathroom Walls - Wikipedia

Directed by Thor Freudenthel
Screenplay by Nick Naveda
Based on the book by Julia Walton


Diagnosed with schizophrenia as a high school teenager, Adam, must face not only the social struggles of high school, but also the struggles in his own head.

What a wonderful little film. Often hard to watch but should be seen!

What works?
A really good story. This film I can pretty much say is the same story as the fantastic Phoebe (Best performance by an eight year old ever by Elle Fanning) In Wonderland , where an elementary school student sees things and other children become afraid of her, and teachers and parents do not know what to do with her. Well in Bathroom Walls, this film ups the game with its lead being in high school. Watching Adam just struggle while off his medication (And we see the imaginary people talking to him); then struggle off his medication with loss of taste and hand shakes. It is so real.

The performances in this film are fantastic and spot on:
Charlie Plummer as Adam in a very difficult role pulls it off and then some. He has to play a role of being in panic but keeping the panic in check as he sees things, and hears voices around him. So much of his acting is done with his eyes and facial expressions. When he is with his friends, and he "sees" the voices in his head, his performance wants you as the viewer to hug the kid.
Molly Parker plays Beth, Adams mother ...just great. It is tough to have a kid in high school and wanting him to fit in; not throw in that you child has schizophrenia!! The worry on her face and pretending in front of Adam that she is not worried is heartbreaking.
Taylor Russell as Maya, is Adams only friend. She also has secrets. Again its about hiding parts of you to fit in. She is strong yet you kind of see it is a show.
There are a couple very good small parts:
Andy Garcia as Father Patrick, the only person who seems to get him.
AnnSophia Robb as Rebecca, she is not real, she is like a flower girl in Adams mind trying hard to push him toward "Good" and "Love".

The down side:
Well you know it was coming! The last 10 minutes the film blew up with a corny Holllywood ending. Director Freudenthel and Writer Naveda should have avoided it, but maybe the writer of the novel Julia Walton had a final say. Who knows? Still a bad choice was made.The Hollywood ending of standing in front of fellow students, and marching ...well I will stop ...this is SPOILER FREE. So what I think should have been done instead:
A quiet moment between Adam and Maya. A moment of understanding.
A jump in time to not only see how the main characters are doing.
Sadly they went big with a shockingly unbelievable corny ending that I felt did not work.

3 1/2 (could have been 4 except the end) out of 5 stars for Words On The Bathroom Walls. I think it is a movie that should be watched. Not just to see the struggles that Adam goes through but also to understand that others are going through struggles you may not know about. In the movie Wonder, Auggies issues and his battles were what people saw, however he still said it right: "Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.
This is not a fun watch, but it is something that should be watched.

From the shadows as always thanks for your time.

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