Saturday, September 12, 2020

New Film Review: Broken Hearts Gallery

The Broken Hearts Gallery - Wikipedia

Directed by and screenplay by Natalie Krinsky

Broken Hearts Gallery follows Lucy Gulliver who is coming off a break up and the loss of her job at an art gallery on the same day. She decides to start her own gallery, asking for people to bring their objects to her that remind them of past relationships.

When I did the review of Unhinged, I noted that even though some parts drive you crazy the film delivers the action and suspense you pay for. Well when you go to see this film, you want to see a sweet love story with some laughs. It definitely delivers!!
What makes this work is the performances and great chemistry between the two leads Geraldine Viswanathan as Lucy. She plays Lucy with a giant ball of over the top emotion, which is often funny. In contrast Dacre Montgomery as Nick is the opposite, very calm, soft spoken. His reactions to Lucy with just a look is marvelous.
Also what works are the performances of the supporting actors:
Molly Gordon as Amanda
Phillipa Soo as Nadine
Nathan Dales Hilarious as Jeff the boyfriend who is afraid to speak
Arturo Castro as Marcus
All 4 are fantastic and believable in their small roles.

The script is light and follows a Hallmark story-line, with a little more sex, in fact you also get the corny ending. However that is what you pay for. You even get the OH NO friction with 20 minutes left which again is Hallmark like. In fact this film is so Hallmark like I noticed it was filmed in Canada like 95% of all Hallmark movies are.

This movie runs a little long; and Lucy sometimes is too over the top. Still it 4 out of 5 for Broken Hearts Gallery. It will not change the world, but it will make you smile for awhile.

From the shadows as always thanks for your time.

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