Sunday, October 6, 2019

New Film Review: Joker

Image result for the joker poster


Well you know the no explanation needed.
It is a modern day Taxi Driver.

As you as the viewer watches this film you are watching a person slowly sink further and further into mental illness. It is not a pleasant film to watch for two reasons:
-The script is total madness. Often you are stunned by what you see. Freaked out by what Arthur/Joker is doing.
-Joaquin Phoenix is fantastic, So much so you wonder if he is really acting. Many points he just does a strange dance and you wished you knew Rooney Mara so you could call her to see if he does this at home. It is just odd. You watch and go thru a range of emotions from sadness to fear to anger.

I am sorry because this is a lame review because there is not much to say other just watching someone fall into madness and it is not pleasant. I know people were saying Heath Ledger is the only Joker, but this is a different Joker. This is the Joker before he becomes Heath Ledger's is just the start.

Quick note on Phoenix. Is he acting or just strange? Who knows, but he is amazing in this part. What will be interesting to watch is this...he is the front runner for the Oscar, Hollywood eats their own, what will they do to him. He is a bit off,he hates the spotlight, so publicist for production companies with actors competing against him are sure to leak something. If not the race is over for best actor for sure.

Well anyway..4 stars out of 5 for Joker. It is not enjoyable for sure but somehow you cannot turn away, it works.

From the shadows as always thanks for your time.

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