Sunday, October 6, 2019

New Film Review: Overcomer

Image result for overcomer


This Christian based film follows a high school basketball coach John Harrison (Alex Kendrick), who coaches in a small town who is slowly losing its population due to the local plant closing down. He then agrees to coach the Cross Country team to help the school out, without knowing there is only one runner Hannah Scott (Aryn Wright-Thompson).

Oh boy...I like the idea.
The thought process.
I understand in these films the budget is very low.
Still...this film by Alex not good.
-The film is too long
-The lines...or script seems written by a elementary school student.
-Many of the things the coach does is so bad, bad as in unrealistic...a teacher would be fired for.
-The acting, by all seems wooden and stiff, especially the lead Wright-Thompson.

Not much else to say.

If you watch at home you may fall asleep.

1 1/2 stars out of 5 for Overcomer. I like the idea but it falls apart.

From the shadows as always thanks for your time.

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