Saturday, June 8, 2019

New Film Review: MA

Image result for ma movie


This will be short.
This movie had a lot of problems....and let me get this out of the way ..the acting of the two leads Octavia Spencer and Diana Silvers was not the problem, they were both very good in their parts.

Other than that...I disliked this film on sooooo many levels.
- There was no one to like. I need someone to latch on to...but no one was likable. Not one of the high school kids were likable. Not even Maggie, played by Silvers, was likable. Heck Maggie did not say enough for us to even know her. Of course Ma was evil and just sad. The people in the town were not likable. UGH!!!
-The writing is just bad. Some lines had me almost laughing out loud. Some scenes, including a scene of stitching some ones mouth together with no blood...(HUH????!!), were so unrealistic I had to fight to not leave the theatre( no spoilers).
- The ending was open ended and dumb. I mean what happened to everyone????!!! Then in comes a surprise character they throw at you in the last 20 minutes that we are shocked to see but never find out about her!!

Enough. I do understand there is a message of the long term effects of bullying, but it gets lost in the evil of it all.
1 star....for Silvers and Spencer... out of 5 for MA.

Do not bother.

From the shadows as always thanks for your time.

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