Saturday, February 10, 2018

My Top Ten Favorite Films Of 2017 7-6-5

Image result for lady bird

Number 7

Directed by Greta Gerwig
Screenplay by Gretta Gerwig
Starring Saoirse Ronan; Laurie Metcalf; Tracy Letts; and Beanie Feldstein

If you follow my blog often you know I am a big Greta Gerwig fan. Now Lady Bird is written and directed by Gretta Gerwig!!! Uh oh my blinders may be up on this one...but YES!!!

This film follows the relationship between Christine McPherson or Lady Bird (Ronan) and her mother Marion (Metcalf). Lady Bird is a bit ...well.....she beats to her own drum....which makes her time in Catholic school interesting. Then she clashes with her mother who is a worrier...a little obsessive compulsive. That combination of the two women, as you can imagine, is not good.

Gerwig does a lot right. The film is quick and does not over stay its welcome. At the same time it seems to be slow enough, so that we see all the development of all the personalities on the screen. It is funny and awkward and touching.
Gerwig also put together a great cast of art house film familiar faces:
We already know that Ronan is just a wonderful actress and she does not let us down here.
Metcalf finally gets a lead part!!! And makes Gerwig look brilliant!! She is so real here that often you feel for her and often you want her to just be quiet....she is a rollercoaster of involvement!! Fantastic!!
Tracy Letts as Metcalf's hubby and Lady Bird's father...flies under the radar as the calming force of the family...but he has sad secrets. He and Ronan have great chemistry and their small moments together are just precious and he delivers a master class in acting. I know his part is quiet and soft.

When I left the theater I was thinking...just okay...but it slowly grows and stays with you. Just a poignant, funny film. Did I happen to mention to you that Greta Gerwig the wonderful actress wrote and directed this???!!! Oh I did.

Lady Bird will be available February 13th for home viewing.

Image result for the greatest showman

Number 6

Directed by Michael Gracey
Screenplay by Jenny Bicks and Bill Condon
Starring Hugh Jackman; Michelle Williams; Zac Efron; Zendaya; and Rebecca Ferguson

This is not a history lesson, that is for sure. You have to get past that and relax.
It is a just a fun musical.
The people spoke for this film. With all the films that came and went at Christmas time, this film and The Last Jedi still stand. Think about this, in its first week it took in only 9 million dollars. As of now in the USA it has taken in 140 million . It is averaging over 15 million a week after the first week. It just gained in popularity after the first week which is unheard of these days. Usually 9 million in the first week means it will die a quick death. But this movie spit in the face of critics. The people spoke. They loved it. and entertainment, critics forgot what movies can be. To just enjoy. It has now taken in 260 million world wide.

-The writing is strong. It is an exciting story. You cheer for the underdog to win. Plus there is an umbrella of kindness, of...excepting each other.

-The music is really good. Music was done by Justin Paul and Benj Pasek from La La Land.
The highlight is of course Golden Globe winner and Oscar nominee This Is Me performed by the wonderful Keala Settle. This song has to win the Oscar. There is no competition, it is that good.
Then you have a sweet song sung by Michelle Williams, yes Michelle Williams, called Tightrope.
Then Zac Efron and Zendaya, who have great chemistry, had a good song together called Rewrite The Stars.
In other words...the songs and music are very strong, like noted before. It seamlessly puts pop music in a story out of the 1800's. Credit goes to the song writers and director Gracey.
Gracey also does a great job of pulling the camera back on many numbers and scenes, so we can see the choreography  (Ashley Allen). It makes it smooth, not choppy.

-One quick note, Zendaya my newcomer of the year in film. She almost stole the film...In the new Spiderman, and now here the screen lights up every time she is on the screen!! She is a star.

The Greatest Showman will be available for home viewing March 6th. There is word that may be pushed back because the film is still doing well in the theaters. So see it in the theater!!

Image result for get out movie

Number 5


Directed by Jordan Peele
Screenplay by Jordan Peele
Starring by Daniel Kaluuya as Chris Washington
                   Allison Williams as Rose Armitage
                   Catherine Keener as Missy Armitage
                   Bradley Whitford as Dean Armitage
                   LilRel Howry as Rod Williams

Believe the hype. It is that good.

So much is right here.
First the acting is wonderful. From the newcomer Kaluuya as Chris, who is fantastic!! To even the supporting players who play the ...I guess....creepy others. Everyone gives a great performance.
The script by Peele is really strong. The trailer makes it seem like a horror film but in reality it is a thriller with just the right amount of comedy.

 Dude get out!!!!! When you are outside and a man, be it white, is running in the dark at you....GOOOOOO!!! Call Uber tell your girlfriend after you leave we will talk later by phone!!
It is hard to review this without spoilers, but...I will say... expect excitement and some laughs and it sure delivers with both.
Get Out is available for home viewing.

From the shadows as always thanks for your time.

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