Saturday, February 10, 2018

My Top Ten Favorite Films Of 2017 10-9-8

Image result for brad's status

As we now get closer to the Oscars...finally my top ten.
Around the middle of the year, I start making my top ten. Then as the year goes on my ten changes, some fall out, some move in. Some go up, some go down. The one thing I noticed that this year my ten consistently had films that gave you "The Feel Goods". I am not sure if that was the sign of the times, where you hear negatives...and I mean from both sides of the political aisles. Plus you have people being ignorant toward each other, which happens on TV and on the internet. The movie theatre is an escape. So maybe subconsiously this was where my ten developed...again not on pupose it just happened I guess. Also remember like my ten are my favorite. My ten will not be like the self serving scared critics who afraid to breakaway from their cohorts; and do not know how to laugh; and want to show you how brilliant they are (Most are not).

Number 10

Directed by Mike White
Screenplay by Mike White
Starring Ben Stiller; Austin Abrams; Jenna Fischer; and Michael Sheen

Mike White kind of encapsulated the quiet biggest problem of society in this wonderful Brad's Status. This film is not for teenagers. Not because it is inappropriate , but because they may not get it. It is just understanding a parent and his perception of the world around him.
This film is so interesting, it made me think of the wonderful film The End of The Tour. So quiet but saying so much.
We follow Ben Stiller (Brad) as he takes his son Troy (Abrams) to Boston to visit schools.
No spoilers here...but as we follow them on a their trip:
-We see Brad reflect on his own college life and what his dreams were and where he is now.
-The inevitable comparison to friends from the past and the reality of what is the truth that hits home.
-Facebook and other comparable sites are also spotlighted here............questioning what is real...what is on social media compared to what happens behind closed doors.

Yes it seems like a lot to cover on a trip to Boston and Harvard.
It helps that Stiller gives a great performance, oddly he does not say much, you can see the pain and jealousy in his eyes.  Just a quiet film that says a lot about society and comparisons with others and your path in life.
If you are over 20 this film should be a must see. I found it to be one of the best written films of the year. Please note..he is a quiet soul but Mike White is one of best writers in Hollywood...See The Good Girl or School Of Rock.
Brad's Status is available for home viewing.
My Number 10 Film Brad's Status.

Image result for thor ragnarok


Directed by Taika Waititi
Screenplay by Eric Pearson; Craig Kyle; and Christopher Yost
Starring Chris Hemsworth; Tom Hiddleston; Cate Blanchett; Idris Elba; Jeff Goldblum; and Tessa Thompson

 If you follow my blog you know I am "superheroed" out, so here comes Thor Ragnarok...the best superhero film of the year, including the overrated Wonder Woman.

This film does a lot right:
-The script is soooo funny. One of the funniest films of the year. Hemsworth showed his comic timing in Ghostbusters and in the new Vacation. You have to think the writers saw it and used that wonderful comic timing. Hiddleston plays a really good straight man here to Hensworth.
-The script is clean. It is not confusing (Except the thing god at the end), it is pretty much a family battle for control. It also does not overstay its welcome coming in at 2 hours and not over playing the last battle scene.
-Introduction of well played characters: Cate Blanchet, over the top great as the evil sister Hela. Jeff Goldblum is just hilarious as the flamboyant evil Gamemaster. However the best is Tess Thompson as Valkyrie. WOW!! She was really good in a small part in Creed...but here you love her and when she is on the screen she steals the scenes.
Very funny. Full of action. Well done.
Thor Ragnarok will be available for home viewing February 20th.
My Number 9 Film Thor Ragnarok.

Image result for beauty and the beast



Directed by Bill Codon
Screenplay Stephen Chbosky and Evan Spiliotopoulis
Starring Emma Watson; Dan Stevens; Luke Evans; Josh Gad; and Kevin Kline

You know the story. Lets face it when you heard they were making this you rolled your eyes thinking it was unnecessary. Why bother. Then it came out.
It had pretty good reviews. People went to see it. Then they went more then once. It kept going. The people spoke. In the USA it took in over 504 million dollars. Worldwide over 1 billion. It was just good entertainment.
The film changes a lot from the other Disney version:

The ending is different involving a witch. I like this makes better sense than the original Disney Animated Version.
-The film adds more songs some are really sweet....How Can A Moment Last Forever, which was shockingly ignored for an Oscar nod.
-We see more of a front end. How the Beast became the Beast and how the townspeople had their memory of the castle swiped away.
-Belle is not only a reader of books but also an inventor like her father!!

The film does a lot right...........
Everyone. I mean everyone is perfectly cast.
Watson looks great as Belle and gives us some spunk.
Evans as Gaston is great and maybe the best singer of all the cast.
Kline as Papa, is Kline, come on he is awesome.
Stevens as Beast, he is good though his face is CGI'd often.
Gadd as LeFou . The best for last!! He steals the film. He is hilarious with great comic timing and he can sing!!

The look!!! The costumes!! The sets. All just perfect!!!!!!

Why do you go see this? To be entertained. In that aspect I found the film entertaining. It worked. We can debate was this really needed...but I do know the crowd cheered at the end at my screening....I did not mind this was fun.
Beauty And The Beast is available for home viewing.
My Number 8 film Beauty And The Beast.

From the shadows as always thanks for your time.

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