Thursday, June 8, 2017

New Film Review Wonder Woman

Image result for wonder woman

Directed Patty Jenkins
Screenplay by Allan Heinberg
Based on comic books by William Moulton Marston
Starring Gal Gadot and Chris Pine

Yes my movies right now are going to be delayed as I settle in to a new life schedule but here is my long awaited Wonder Woman review...
Now I am kind of glad I waited for this is hard sometimes to block out the excitement of some movies. I get it ...a female lead as a super hero!!!! Yes I was excited for this also. However the reviews were fantastic which had me question, was the movie good or was the excitement of having a female superhero lead blurring the reviews. Well..............I was disappointed.

Let me be positive first.........

- Gadot is fantastic and looks the part. You cannot help but love her. She delivers her lines in such a monotone is hard to tell if she is just being funny or her reactions to our world is just funny.
I would go as far as saying she is perfect.

-Chemistry between Steve Trevor (Pine) and Diana (Gadot) Is wonderful. Again perfect.

-Humor. This film is filled with dry humor. Diana showing up in a "man's world" is really funny. Her reaction to these men in this world is laugh out line funny. Then throw in Lucy Davis as Steve Trevors Secretary or slave (so funny)...they made a huuuuuge mistake by not having her through out the film playing off Diana. She sadly was only in the film for 10 minutes.

-Development. The screenplay did a fantastic time developing Diana's backstory with help from Connie Nielsen as Hippolyta and Robin Wright as Antiope . Then when she arrived in England we got a good feel of how out of place she is and how mentally tough she is.....but then..........

-A big negative the last hour was  a mess. A story line that seemed made up as the film went on. At the end I thought how did she know to do this during the battle?????!!!! Then...
-To make this work you need a really good bad guy. Danny Huston as Lundendorff was a failure. He felt irrelevant to me. They had a really good bad person in Elena Anaya as Dr Maru. Sadly they kind of pushed her aside...another mistake.
-Last negative.............2 hours and 20 minutes. Really?

Well 3 out of 5 for Wonder Woman. For the first half and Gadot herself. I really look forward to seeing her character in the second film in this series. I hope they tighten It up a bit.
Who would have thought Wonder Woman helped Europe win the war. I have to go back and check my history books.

From the shadows as always thanks for your time.

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