Thursday, June 29, 2017

New Film Review: Baby Driver

Image result for baby driver

Directed by Edger Wright
Screenplay by Edger Wright
Starring Ansel Elgort; Jon Bernthal; Jon Hamm: Eliza Gonzalez; Lily James; Kevin Spacey; and Jamie Foxx

Here we go!!!!
A real summer film has arrived!!

The marketing for this film was way off. They tried to sell it as a Fast And Furious Film...all action.
Well do not be fooled. This is a Steve McQueen heist film. This is a Tarantino bloody and dry humor film. This is a the best romantic film of the year. Thrown all together in a mixing bowl...stirred up and somehow it works. Great script and great direction by Edger Wright makes this all work.

Casting and performances were spot on....
Foxx and Spacey giving their best performances in years.
Newcomer Gonzalez holds her own versus the big time stars.
Hamm who gives his best performance since Mad just sinister.
However.....lets face it ...this film belongs to the leads Elgort ( who was wonderful in Fault) and James ( who I thought was underrated in Cinderella). They have great chemistry and most of the time are acting one on one with these big stars who I just mentioned. It is a lot to ask of them and they are magnificent.
Music-Then there is music. I mean it can feel like a musical or a music video. The film almost has a beat of its own. The music is fun.

Weakness? Only a few.
-We have Stormtrooper problems which ....if you read my reviews means....bad guys cannot shoot.
-Closing was a bit sloppy or rushed using montage scenes which I hated. I spent an hour and a half with this couple, do not give me an open ending. But I have to admit a PT 2 would be intriguing.

4 1/2 stars out of 5 for this big surprise!! It is just fun!! I want to see it again!

From the shadows as always thanks for your time.

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