Wednesday, June 28, 2017

New Film Review: Cars 3

Image result for cars 3

Directed by Brian Fee
Screenplay by Keil Murray; Bob Peterson; and Mike Richardson
Voice work by Owen Wilson: Cristela Olonzo; and Chris Cooper

Being a huuuuge PIXAR fan you would think that this review would have come a couple weeks ago.
Well..............if you follow my blog....then you know in my PIXAR post...Cars 1 and Cars 2 are at the bottom of my list of PIXAR films. Sooooo with many other films out there I put Cars 3 on the back burner. Well it is time. I was pleasantly surprised. Lightning McQueen is fighting a new generation of racers. He has to prove, even though he is old school...he is still able to compete.

The Positives:
-This movie is beautiful!!! Every scene is flat out gorgeous. Coming off Finding Dory and The Good leaves those two film in the dust. You can just turn the sound off and just watch this beautiful film.
-The plot is strong. New vs old. Remembering who your friends are. Remember where you came from. How to behave in competitions. The funny thing is that one of the focus points old school can be better than modern technology.......aaahhhh....PIXAR took out modern cartoon art lol.
-Voice work is pretty good, highlighted by Chris Cooper and using voice work from the late Paul Newman from the original Cars.

-The plot is good, however the script has some problems:
1- Slow in many place, which may make the younger viewers rammy.
2-The ending...will make adults watching go..REALLY??? Switching places??? Kids will not question that I am sure, but what made PIXAR work the stories were for kids as well as adults.

Well.....pushing negatives aside, I think this is the best of the Cars films...I would give it a 3 1/2 out of 5 stars. I was pleasantly surprised.

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