Thursday, March 2, 2023

TOP TEN FILMS OF 2022......10-9-8

 it top ten films of 2022. 


The viewer follows a young German Soldier (Paul) and his terrifying experiences during World War 1.

I debated if I wanted this on my top ten, I usually put movies in my top ten that I want to see again. This film, I am okay not seeing this again. It is just a very hard watch. 2 hours and 45 minutes of war violence. Still...this movie..stays with you. It is filled with tension. It delivers what it intends the viewer to feel.
-The film has a wonderful performance by Felix Kammerer as Paul, often acting without saying a word with close ups of his face.
-Director Edward Berger takes the  Remarque novel and puts you right in the middle of war, reminding you of the film Platoon. It is a wake up call, of how violent war is. He also shows you the higher ups in government/army leaders eating wonderful food off fine china, while soldiers are being burned to death. An interesting dichotomy. He really does not hold back.
The film is a hard watch, yet should be seen as a reminder of how harsh war can be or was.
My number 10 film of 2022...All Quiet On The Western Front. 



Benoit Blanc is back!!! This time he is traveling to Greece for his latest case.

This plot is not as tight as Knives Out. However this film offered many wonderful performances including Ed Norton; Kate Hudson (is Back!); Janelle Monet (Steals the movie); Kathryn Hann; and of course Daniel Craig. They make this work. These actors make this watchable.
Rian Johnson is back in the director chair (and Screenplay) he adds a bit more humor to this 2nd Blanc film, and that humor does not take away from the film. He also throws in many cameos (did you catch Ethan Hawke or did you miss him?).
Well anyway the twist in the middle worked. The ending worked. The film just worked and it was fun.
I was lucky enough to see this at a screening a month before it came out to Netflix, it was so hard to not tell people about it...
My number 9 film of 2022 is..Glass Onion!!



Do Nothing
Stay And Fight
The three choices these women, in this isolated religious community, have to vote on, as they grapple with abuse and faith.

I did not want to see it. I get tired of going to movies and watching, A=Men are bad and B=Women are better than men making all men idiots and evil. The plot point gets old. However this film oddly had me on the edge of my seat. Smart direction by Sarah Polley. Smartly written by Sarah Polley. 
The wonderful performances by everyone keeps you glued to the story and hoping and praying for them. Highlighted by Rooney Mara as Ona, giving a different kind of performance we usually do not see in her. She is usually playing quirky, here, her character is straight out brave and convincing yet almost quietly in the middle,if that makes sense. There is also a good performance by the only man Ben Whishaw. Ben plays August the note taker. Why the note taker? He is the only one who can read. He wants to put in input on the decision but it is not his place, you can see his care for the women (because of his history), and his love for Ona.
If you are on the fence about this move, please see it. The film stays with you, with the knowledge this decision is being made in the real world all the time outside these communities.

Well there is the start. 10..9..and 8
More to come!!

From the shadows as always thanks for your time.

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