Thursday, May 27, 2021

New Film Review: A Quiet Place Part 2


Directed By John Krasinski
Screenplay By John Krasinski and Scott Beck

In Part 2, the Abbott family is now on the move, but now they have to face not only the creatures but also what society has become!!

First I want to note I saw this screening before Fridays opening. Sitting in the theater I started to realize...shit I am going to be the only one in this screening. If you are a frequent follower to my wonderful, anti-critic, poorly written blog (You should be), I am not a horror film fan. I rarely review them. However, with this film, I liked A Quiet Place (the first one) a lot, so here I am alone in a theater. It creeps you out being alone in a dark theater watching this. I jumped often. I said out loud HOLY SHIT a couple times. Thankfully it came in just over 90 minutes. The good news is I was able to eat crunchy popcorn during this quiet film without feeling guilty.

Now is it as good as the first Quiet Place? No. It is better!!! It is close to a perfect film!!!!

I mean you have Emily Blunt back!! 
You have the wonderful young actor Noah Jupe. 
Djimon Hounsou good as always in a small part. 
The great Cillian Murphy is in this film...I had no idea he was going to be in this..and as always he is freaking fantastic as Emmett the loner!!!
But the real star in this film is Millicent Simmons!! Playing the hearing impaired Reagan Abbott again, please remember she is hearing impaired in real life, she is the lead here. She is taking over and is on the road. She is the thinker and the brave one in this film. Krasinski often just shuts down all sound so we can hear (Or not hear) what Reagan is going through. Just brilliant. This leads to Millicent acting with just body movement and facial expressions. I remember that after I watched the first film I noted Emily Blunt deserves an Oscar Nomination. Of course she did not, the snotty Oscar voters will not give love to this type of film.So I say this now....Millicent Simmons deserves an Oscar nomination for this film.

The script!!
Krasinski and Beck start the story out by going back in time. We see how cute this small town was. How everyone knew each other. We see the chaos when the creatures arrived.
Then we move to present time, where the first film felt mostly claustrophobic, this film is more open. The characters are mobile. Out there trying to find either help or solutions. Yet it is just as frightening because we do not know what is hiding around the corners.

Any negatives?

Yes two small ones:
Again if you follow my blog...again you know I am not a fan of middle movies..going in I did not know they were planning a trilogy here. I always say...people pay money they deserve a clear beginning, middle, and end. This film did not have a clear end...too wide open for my taste....AGAIN NO SPOILERS.

 The other issue I have is small. You have a great actor like Hounsou, and you barely use him. USE HIM!!

I give A Quiet Place Pt 2 ...4 1/2 stars out of 5. Wow just edge of your seat, tension. It delivers exactly what you expect.

From the shadows as always thanks for your time.

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