Thursday, May 27, 2021

New Film Review: Last Call


Directed by Paolo Pilladi
Screenplay by Paolo Pilladi; Greg Lingo; and Michael LBaughan

Mick(Jeremy Piven) ,who works as a real estate developer in Philadelphia, has to go back to his suburban roots to talk people in his old neighborhood to sell their properties to make room for a new casino.

This will be quick; it is not a very good film.

-For me, on a personal level, I wanted to see this because I grew up in Delaware County. It is definitely "Deep Delco", so they got that right. The behavior of the residents in the neighborhood is pretty much spot on.
-I thought it was really good performances by Pivens and Taryn Manning who plays Ali, Micks maybe...maybe not love interest.

-I did not care. I did not care about the story and kinda did not care about the people. I mean, when you watch a movie, you need to be vested. I never felt vested in any of the characters. I mean Mick I felt for him, but in reality he was just a sleazy salesman, whom near the end grew a heart. I wanted to grasp on to Ali but Director/Writer Pilladi would not give us much about her. 
-The story has too much going on. There is a death of mom. There is Piven and Ali. There is a battle of brothers. There is a bar going under. There is a boating trip. There is a crooked real estate company. There is just too much and it all gets muddled down. 

1 1/2 stars out of 5 for Last Call. I think it had some good performances, hey there is Bruce Dern, hey Jamie Kennedy where have you The portrayal of that area is true to form. Other than is not good.

From The Shadows as always thanks for your time.

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