Thursday, October 15, 2020

New Film Review: Then Came You



Directed by Adriana Trigiani

Screenplay by Kathie Lee Gifford

A widow, Annabelle (Gifford), is planning an around the world trip, seeing places she has seen in the movies. Her first stop is Scotland where she meets Howard (Craig Ferguson).

This was shown for one night in a theater before going to streaming. This was bad. Like really bad.
As you can see by the trailer it feels like a Hallmark film. I am okay with a good Hallmark film. Sadly this is a bad Hallmark film.
The writing is bad.
The chemistry between Ferguson and Gifford is bad.
Ferguson is in this movie but the script does not give him room to be ....well....Ferguson.
The comedy fails big time, including a moment with Annabelle's ex-husbands ashes which is just cringe worthy.

The only good thing about this film is it was filmed in beautiful Scotland.

Well not much else to say. It is bad.

1 star out of 5 for Then Came You.That one star is for the cinematography of Scotland. If you have an option of renting it for stream, save money, a Hallmark movie would be better.

From the shadows as always thanks for your time.

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