Monday, October 19, 2020

New Film Review: The Kid Detective


Director: Evan Morgan
Screenplay: Evan Morgan

A once celebrated kid detective is now a 32 year detective who solves trivial crimes between hangovers. A young girl brings him his first "adult" case.

From the trailer I had very high hopes!!!
I just cant win right now. I am on a bad streak of films. Nothing very good is hitting theaters.

Adam Brody is very good as Abe the former kid detective who is now older. Struggling through life. He is another version of the high school athlete who peaked to soon, but he was a detective that peaked to soon. He is a mess and often does not help his own cause. It is good to see Brody in a juicy role again, he is a very good actor.
Sophie Nelisse is also good as the naive high school Caroline who hires Abe. I like her as almost a Watson to Abe's Sherlock. 
There is also a small role Lucy played by Sarah Sutherland. She is Abe's secretary. She adds much needed humor with a look or one liner. 
This leads me to ....

The story!!! What we see is just Abe being down trodden. Abe finding no clues or anything for 90 minutes, which means nothing is happening. Then he finds something in the last ten minutes, then guilty person admits his guilt, movie is over. The film is surprisingly boring. I wanted more of Lucy's humor. I wanted to know more about Caroline. They were interesting!! It has a sub-plot about the worry of Abe's parents that did not work, which only added to the down trodden feel of the film.
Its just a bad script that had hope. 

1 1/2 stars out of 5 for The Kid Detective. Good performances, however this lands at the feet of the director and screen writer Evan Morgan. A great idea that failed.

From the shadows as always thanks for your time.

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