Friday, August 9, 2019

New Film Review: Midsommar

Image result for midsommar


A young couple heads to Sweden to visit this fabled festival. Not knowing it is more of a pagan cult.

This will be short. I went to this film after it started getting a strong buzz and word of mouth. If you follow my reviews, this is usually not the type of film I will review or go to. Then throw in that it is done by Ari Aster who did Hereditary which critics liked and I could not stand.
So...critics liked this...and yes there is deep references here I understand...still I could not the people in this film and the stupidity of it all.
Good things:
The performances by Florence Pugh as  Dani and Jack Reynor as Christian.
The look. I mean it is beautiful.
Okay I told you it would be short.
Not a huge fan of this or Aster.

1 1/2 stars for Midsommar. I move on.

From the shadows as always thanks for your time.

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