Thursday, August 15, 2019

New Film Review: The Farewell

Image result for the farewell


This small film is getting good reviews and good word of mouth.
The film is based on a true story of a Chinese family discovers their grandmother has a short while to live. However they elect not to tell her and just schedule a wedding for a reason for everyone to get together. Amazingly this is based on a true story
As for the film, I do not think it is as great as what the word of mouth is saying, but it is interesting.
It dives in to the culture of Chinese family dynamics that is for sure. The film had a good premise and then I am not sure it went anywhere with it, or was there anywhere to go with it. I swear I could have chopped a half an hour off the movie and you would have missed nothing. They tried to add drama of.... should we tell her or should we not. However I am not sure that drama carried the film very well. Then they added some comedy as we followed Billi (Awkwafina) from New York to China. There are funny moments but some are more awkward than funny. I still am not sure Awkwafina is a very good actress, I noted this on my review for Crazy Rich Asians. She is kind of awkward on screen and seems to be often just reading her lines and not acting.
I am a big fan of art films. I like the slow pace of a good story and the slow build to see what happens at the end. Here I just felt it was awkard, maybe slightly mean making fun of a family culture. The premise did not have no where to go, and the lead Billi, I kind of did not care about or like.\
2 1/2 stars out of 5 for The Farewell. Its interesting with small funny moments. Thats all.

From the shadow as always thanks for your time.

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