Saturday, January 2, 2021

New Film Review: News Of The World


HAPPY NEW YEAR..lets hope to get these theaters opened!!
Quick housekeeping note:
I got messages from people wondering why less reviews on my blog. Well it is obvious....theaters are not open...and production companies are pushing back release dates. Here In The Shadows I only review films I see in the theaters. I support local theaters and national theaters. By supporting them you support the local workers within. 
I will have my best and worst of films I have seen in the theaters this year coming up soon, even though it is a small sample. Also the ever popular Shadow Awards. I promise at least one post a week this year, even if its films I suggest you should see from the past.
Well lets get started on.....


Directed by Paul Greengrass
Writer Paul Greengrass and Luke Davies
Based on the book by Paulette Jiles

A gentleman travels from town to town reading to citizens of each town the news from outside of their area. Along the way he stumbles on a young girl in a wooded area and brings it upon himself to deliver her home.

I had a private screening of this in a movie theater which was strange yet nice.
What a wonderful job done here by Paul Greengrass. I mean the Greengrass who brought us the Jason Bourne action films, somehow pulled off this nice little quiet wide open slow paced film. The pace is nice. The cinematography is just perfect. The score he brought to the film (Dariusz Wolski) is beautiful. Greengrass broke out of his comfort zone for sure.

Lets get to Tom Hanks, he plays Captain Kidd (No Shit). I am starting to think Tom Hanks is our version in our times of Jimmy Stewart, The constant close up of reaction. The acting, taking breaths and pauses with his lines. Is he the best actor working during these times? Well he is in top 5 for sure...(Sounds like I will have to do a blog on that). Well here every reaction, in every situation, he is pitch perfect.
Now to the real star, Helena Zengel as Johanna. She is a fish out of water. She cant speak English so she has to act with her eyes and body motions. You cannot take your eyes off of her. The best compliment I can give about her performance is she holds herself up to Tom Hanks's performance. She never looks like she is out of her league here.

As for the story. It is believable. It moves slow but it often has suspense, so that keeps you interested. The characters are interesting within the story. You find The Captain is sort of sad as he moves from town to town, and Johanna, for the first time in years, gives him purpose.

NO SPOILERS so I cannot get deeper into it but I can tell you News Of The World is 4 1/2 out of 5 stars.
Well worth the look...GO SEE IT IN THEATERS IF YOU CAN, ON THE BIG SCREEN. Trust me you are safer from Covid in the theaters than at the supermarket.

From The Shadows thanks for your time.

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